Sugar Grove
By Paula Mitchell
Sunday was a joyous occasion for all those in attendance at the VFW Pavilion in Sugar Grove. The afternoon began with a 2 p.m. assembly where Phil Downs opened with prayers of thanks to those first responders who responded to the Sept. 11 call on that fatal day in New York, 21 years ago. He also thanked the Lord for the liberty and freedom everyone enjoys today.
This annual meeting was very fitting for all the veterans, their family and friends in attendance. The popular Moatstown Family Choir sang many spirited and uplifting songs, lending their way to patriotism and feeling blessed.
Some of the renditions were “Oh, How Beautiful,” “We’ve Got the Power,” “It’s Your Season to be Blessed,” “I Saw the Light,” “I’ll be Alright,” “Jesus Got a Hold of My Life,” “Whatever You Want,” “Jesus Is on the Main Line,” and “I’m Yours Lord.” On several occasions, the crowd joined in with the singing and clapping, very much enjoying the entertainment of these accomplished singers and instrumentalists.
A delicious meal followed with those in attendance mingling and enjoying each other’s company. Each were reminded that no matter the situation, trial, or tribulation, one is blessed and thankful for the veterans and first responders, of whom many gave their all.
Remembering how so many citizens, from all walks of life, continue to respond with a powerful, enduring determination to help remind America to always face a future of hope, and that the fundamental values of decency, fortitude, generosity, and strength will help carry on this memory. The VFW continues to serve this memory each year, knowing that the first responder’s and military’s remarkable service will be known that as a nation, value, respect, and honor will always be in place for them.
Life’s little instructions to enrich one’s day include the following:
- Avoid news overdose.
- Compliment children when one notices good behavior, especially in restaurants and in general public.
- Compliment a stranger.
- Donate unused items.
- Let the manager know when a person gets great customer service.
The days have become noticeably shorter in daylight. It becomes increasingly harder to get up in the morning, as the morning light comes into play a little less than the day before. Leaves on walnut trees and others as well, are beginning to fall. There are even some leaf color changes taking place. Still gardeners are taking off their vegetables, and farmers are making their last hay cuttings.
Quotes for the week are as follows:
“Everyone is our neighbor, no matter what race, creed, or color.” — Queen Elizabeth II
“Music education stimulates, challenges, and enriches our young people during their formative school years; its value lasts a lifetime.” — Tommy Baldwin
“Choose a major you love and you’ll never work a day in your life because that field probably isn’t hiring.” — Unknown
“I’ve never run into a person who yearns for their middle school days.” — Jeff Kinney
“A bird does not sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song.” — Maya Angelou
Sitting on the porch swing is the best place to hear the “Talk of the Grove.”
Many Pendletonians motored Saturday to Morgantown to attend the WVU/ Kansas game. It was a good day event though the WVU team lost.
Congratulations to Cory Eckard and Whitney Fields who tied the knot on Saturday. Here’s to the couple to have many happy years together.
The Harvest Moon shines so splendidly each evening, taking on an eerie orange color as it is a stargazer thriller.
Chris and Crystal Huffer from Mount Solon, Virginia, visited Butch and Mary Puffenbarger, Sunday
Sunday, the 11th, was Grandparents’ Day. Continue to call or visit one’s grandparents. They really appreciate this little act of kindness.
The Treasure Mountain Festival is upon the county. The Sugar Grove Lions Club will be having their ham stand/kettle beans with cornbread at the town parking lot. Music will be there for entertainment also. Try to support the local organizations as this is the only annual fundraiser for many of them.
The remainder of the September birthdays are as follows: Dwaine Gillispie, 15th; Brittany Lehman, 16th; Sarah Hedrick, 17th; Bill Rexrode, 18th; Travis Beachler, 19th; Tyler Grogg…20th; Neva Rexrode, Jason Smith and Beth Moyers, 21st; Jammy Ruddle, 22nd; Woody Hoover, 23rd; Ruthalene May and Lori Roberson, 24th; Robin Evick, 25th; Charles Anderson, 26th; Jim Kile, Emily Simmons and K.J. Simmons, 27; Debbie Sites and Justin Bowers, 28th; Tammy Lambert, Julia Homan, Chase Owens and Ann Kiser, 29; and Chuck Frame and Vickie Rawley, 30th.
This week’s clickety-clacks for the chin waggers are as follows.
- Mozart began writing music at the age of 5.
- The fuel tanks of the 747 jet could hold enough gas for 40 cars to travel around the world.
- No snake can survive temperatures above 188 degrees F.
- Thomas Jefferson invented the dumbwaiter and the swivel chair.
- A duck, a rooster and a sheep were the first living passengers to fly in an airship in 1783.
Concerns for this week are many, and they are as follows: Charles Anderson, Lynn Beatty, Jack Bennett, the John Bodine family, Bill Brackman, Scherry Chambers, Charlotte Copley, Jeff Craig, Sharon Crider, Ralph Dunkle, Jeff Evick, Lee Roy and Ina Evick, Mary Eye, Ron Gilkeson, Lola Graham, Marlene Harman, Steve and Armanda Heavner, Starr Hedrick, George Hevener, Gary and Jackie Hills, Virgil Homan, Jr., Charlie Marie Hoover, Keith Hoover, Lorena Hoover, Myrtle Hoover, Enos Horst, Bob Hurry, Alice Johnson, Richard Judy, Melissa Lambert, Robin and Kitty Lambert, Robert Lambert, Rex Landis, Angela Lung, Linda Malcolm, Betty Mallow, Roger and Skip Mallow, Yvonne Marsh, Neil McLaughlin, Naomi Michael, Joe Moats, Lincoln Moore, Ernie Morgan, Aaron Nelson, Kathy Nelson, Ken and Ruth Nelson, Bennie Nesselrodt, Cheryl Paine, Sutton Parrack, Ronnie Pitsenbarger, Wanda Pitsenbarger, Alda Propst, Betty Lou Propst, Kara Propst, Kathy Propst, Linda Propst, Marilyn Propst, Sheldon Propst, Pam Rexrode, Donna Ruddle, Bernie Sasscer, Barbara Simmons, Erin Simmons, Eva Simmons, the Kittie Simmons family, Robbie Sites, Ona Smith, Stanna Smith, Patricia Swecker, Rosa Tichenor, Sandra Vandevander, Jack Vogel, Judy Waggy, Ron White, Judy Williams and Larry Wimer.