Senior Sponsored Meal Scheduled
Hartman’s Service Station will be sponsoring “Lunch on Us” for 60+ Seniors on Friday at the North Fork Site (304-567-2240) and the Franklin Site (304-358-2421). Please call today to reserve a free lunch which will be served from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Tire Collection
The tire collection has been rescheduled for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Pendleton County Economic Development Authority on 100 Thorn Creek Road in Franklin.
Only tires from state residents will be accepted. Tires from businesses will not be accepted. A 10 tire per person limit will be strictly enforced. Tires must be off the rim. Only passenger car or light truck tires will be accepted.
Road Work Closes
Snowy Mtn. Road
The West Virginia Department of Highways is replacing culverts on County Route 17, Snowy Mountain Road. The road will be closed to traffic between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. until the work is completed. Only emergency traffic will be allowed.
Ham, Bacon, Egg
Show To Be Held
The annual FFA South Branch Valley Ham, Bacon and Egg Show and Sale will be held at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Moorefield High School. FFA members from Pendleton, East Hardy, Moorefield and Petersburg will be showcasing their products.
Community Meeting
To Be Held Tuesday
The Pendleton County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Pendleton County HUB team, and Franklin Beautification will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Pendleton Community Building in Franklin to discuss future plans and projects for the upcoming year for Pendleton County.
Ciara Lambert, CVB director, said everyone’s input and comments are welcomed, and that there will be volunteer opportunities available for interested citizens.
Morrisey’s Staff
To Be Here Friday
A representative from Attorney General Patrick Morrisey’s office will meet with residents from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday at the Pendleton Senior and Family Services Center in Franklin.
Lenten Luncheons
Continue Today
The annual Lenten Luncheons hosted by the Pendleton County Ministerial Association will begin at noon today at Walnut Street United Methodist Church in Franklin.
Attendees will drive through and get their food (soup, sandwich and dessert). Written messages will be provided in the bag with the meals. Recordings of the message will be available at churches’ Facebook pages and websites around noon.
Today’s meal will be provided by South Fork United Methodist Charge with Pastor Judy Vetter delivering the message.
Next week’s meal will be provided by Friends Run and Smith Creek Churches of the Brethren with Pastor David Morris delivering the message.