Smith Creek Friends Run

Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis One month of summer is out of the way, two more to go. The month of July had six days of temperatures in the 90s and some upper 80s. This week the area should be getting some rain which will help out with the grass and gardens....

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis Everyone is saying and asking God in prayers for much needed rain. The grass is turning brown and crunchy. Some folks haven’t mowed their grass in four weeks. This heat and a lack of rain is making the gardens harder to grow. Smith Creek and Friends Run...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis This area had a great rainfall on the Fourth of July. Some areas didn’t get a drop of rain. The only problem with the rain was that it came down too hard and mostly ran off since the ground is hard, but residents were glad to get...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis Another month has started and half of the year has gone by. The area was blessed with some rain showers, but still not enough due to the high temperatures. Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of the Brethren: shut-ins - Mary Mitchell, Bucky Moyers, Pam Riner, Anna...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis Hello summer, good-bye spring. Summer comes in today, the same day as West Virginia’s birthday. The area had a good spring as there was more rainfall compared to last year. But this week doesn’t look good for rain, just heat. Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis It’s that time of the year when mama does are leaving their fawns. Some fawns have been noticed with their mom near the roads, so be careful and alert. This is the last full week of spring. Summer starts on June 20. Put one’s red, white and...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis It’s that time of the year when farmers get their hay equipment out and proceed to the fields to cut the hay. If Mother Nature was on the farmers’ side with no rain, the fields would be cut. Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of the Brethren:...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis School has been let out for the summer with students and staff returning in August. Also, the month ends as of Friday.  Starting June 1, the burning law changes as a person can burn 24/7, providing all safety precautions have been met. Smith Creek and Friends Run...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis It’s the first weekend that’s going to be busy as vacations start with the Memorial Day holiday. If traveling this weekend, be careful and be alert. Pendleton County Schools will be letting out on Friday as the school year comes to an end. Smith Creek and Friends...

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Smith Creek / Friends Run

By Dave Ellis Congratulations to all the seniors that are stepping into the big world of life. Only memories are left behind, and a new chapter begins in a new career. Best of luck! Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of the Brethren: shut-ins - Mary Mitchell, Bucky Moyers, Pam...

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