By Dave Ellis
Spring is getting closer as the robins have been spotted. Plus, the Easter flowers are starting to come up through the ground.
The burning law expires the last day of February. Just be careful as the winds are picking up.
Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of the Brethren: shut-ins – Mary Mitchell, Bucky Moyers, Pam Riner, Anna Tesi, Alice Johnson, Arlin Dale and Freda Jamison, Hazel Simmons, Reva Hartman, Larry Moyers, Mary Alice Simmons, Sandy Washburn, Sandra Vandevander and Woodrow Hartman; prayer list – Richard Campbell, Tristan Hartman, Joshua Shirk, Ava George, Roberta Bennett, Kenny Williams, Dennis Mitchell, Debbie Horst, Myrtle Hammer, Pam Rexrode, Nancy George, Neal Eye, Margaret Wimer, Donald Burns, David Bowers, Wendell and Darlene Nelson, Ruby Gail Roberson, Ruth Bauer, Anna Mauzy, Linda Maxwell Looney, Bennie and Mary Alice Evick, Gloria Moats, Martha R. Kimble, Jimmie Bennett, Ruthalene Judy, Wayne Kimble, Stanley Propst, Leann Britton, Patsy Bennett, Kathy Puffenbarger, Wanda Pitsenbarger and the family of Roger Holloway.
Prayer thought: “God may not always respond to our prayers when we’ like him to, but He’s always working out His wise purpose. We can take heart that when He does answer, it will be right and good.”
High and low temperatures and precipitation for Feb. 12 through Feb. 18, followed by the same for last year, were as follows: Feb. 12 – 51°, 39°, .37” (37°, 31°, .33”); Feb. 13 – 41°, 33°, .53” (55°, 23°); Feb. 14 – 45°, 30° (61°, 30°); Feb. 15 – 56°, 22° (70°, 39°); Feb. 16 – 46°, 32° (51°, 38°, .75”); Feb. 17 – 32°, 19° (54°, 25°, .46”) and Feb. 18 – 42°, 17° (49°, 18°).