By Dave Ellis
In less than a month, the fall season will begin. This is a good sign as the hunters will be preparing for the upcoming seasons. The 2022-2023 game books are out, so hunters check the rules.
Smith Creek and Friends Run Churches of the Brethren: shut-ins – Mary Mitchell, Shelda Warner, Vestyl Bible, Bucky Moyers, Pam Riner, Anna Tessi, Ruby Propst, Alice Johnson, Arlin Dale and Freda Jamison, Hazel Simmons, Mary Alice Simmons, Reva Hartman, Sandy Washburn, Evelyn Ruddle, Sandra Vandevander and Larry Moyers; prayer list – Richard Campbell, Brian Wilton, Tyler Moore, Tristan Hartman, Ronald Hayes, Becky Hedrick, Joshua Shirk, Ava George, Doug Judy, Kay Alt, Jack Vogel, Ronnie Bowers Sr., Allen Kile II, Lloyd Hartman, Ruth Simmers, Roberta Bennett, Harry Allen Warner, Quinley McConnell, Jim Bible, Etha Mae Bowers, Mary Jo Wilfong, Kenny Williams, Dennis Mitchell, Olin Hoover, Debbie Horst, Rodney Crites, Raven Hoke, Charlotte Copley, Randy Bennett, Carolyn Gilbert, Charlie Westfall, Glenn Sites, Shyrl Smith, Billy Rowe, Alaska Kimble, Carroll Michael, Myrtle Hammer, Kathy Propst, Betty Smith and Marcia C. “Marty” Warner.
Prayer thought: “All powerful God, my life’s burdens feel heavy and overwhelming, but abiding in you gives me strength to carry on and overcome.”
High and low temperatures and precipitation for Aug. 15 through Aug. 21, followed by the same for last year, were as follows: Aug. 15 – 64°, 57°, .06” (78°, 63°, .06”); Aug. 16 – 69°, 56°, .07” (79°, 65°, .08”); Aug. 17 – 84°, 57° (80°, 64°, .04”); Aug. 18 – 78°, 51°, .16” (81°, 65°, 1.19”); Aug. 19 – 79°, 52° (83°, 64°, .42”); Aug. 20 – 82°, 58°, (77°, 62°, .26”) and Aug. 21 – 78°, 61°, .16” (80°, 59°, .12”).