By Betty Inskeep
Grant County Coordinator
The Alpha Kappa Chapter of the West Virginia Delta Kappa Gamma Society meeting was held April 23 at the Moorefield Middle School with Mineral County hosting. Tables were adorned with a honeybee theme with flowers or honeybee décor for centerpieces. Each of the 26 members attending received a honeybee favor box filled with tea, honey, honey lozenges and a packet of wildflower seeds. Everyone also received a honeybee reveal to win card. If a honeybee was revealed, the sister won the table’s centerpiece. Betty Coffman served a delicious breakfast before the meeting.
Ruby Alvaro gave the blessing. Vickie Saville led inspirational thoughts with a true story about bees. The story reminded members to remember their support and love from family, friend, and sisters. Vickie Skavenski, chapter president and the group’s “Queen Bee,” was praised for keeping the “hive” humming for the last two years.
Ann Bennett led a beautiful induction ceremony for new chapter members. New members in attendance were Amy Rexrode, Judy Bowyer and Jessica Saville. New members unable to attend the meeting were Karen Davis, Shay Dove, Janice Heavner, Beth High, Carrie Nesselrodt and Taylor Yokum.
Alvaro, charter member and past president, installed the following officers for the 2022-24 biennium: Skavenski, president; Carolyn Harper, first vice president; Bennett, second vice president; Amber Champ, recording secretary; Beverly Mathias, treasurer; Angela Propst, corresponding secretary; and Melissa Whetzel, parliamentarian.
Gayle Allen received the April R.O.S.E. award for her contribution to Alpha Kappa. She will be retiring at the end of this school year and joining a chapter in Virginia.