The 2024 4-H project exhibits were on display July 22 – 25 at the Pendleton Community Building in Franklin and July 27 – Aug. 3 at the Tri-County Fair in Petersburg. All of the blue ribbon projects were exhibited Aug. 8 -17 at the State Fair of West Virginia in Lewisburg.
Forty-three purple ribbons were awarded to the 4-H’ers with the highest blue ribbon scores above 95 points in each project category. Twelve blue ribbons were awarded to projects with scores between 90 and 95 points. Seven projects with scores between 80 and 89 points received red ribbons. Three white ribbons were given to members with project scores between 70-79 points.
Thirty-two 4-H’ers are enrolled in beef, goat, sheep, swine, and horse projects and will complete record guides after they have shown or sold their animal.
Eleven green Cloverbud ribbons were awarded to Cloverbuds for project completion.
To complete a project, a 4-H’er must complete the project book, make an exhibit and fill out an activity record form.
In addition to ribbons, 4-H’ers receive premium money for their efforts in completing projects. They will receive $4 for each purple and blue ribbon, $3 for each red ribbon, and $2 for each white ribbon on the county level and from the Tri-County Fair. All projects receiving blue ribbons and exhibited at the state fair receive $3.50.
Best of show winners for Pendleton County 4-H at the Tri-County Fair included Vivian Pownell, Scratching the Surface; Carly Kimble, Under Construction (sewing); Ross Pownell, Take the Bait; Jax Bennett, Six Easy Bites; Kenden Champ, Hiking Trails; Zander Adams, Take Your Pick; Tori Heavner, Self Determined; Easton Boner, Small Engines; Alex Adams, Know Your State; and Gracie Hedrick, This Is 4-H.
To celebrate the 10 days of the State Fair of West Virginia, the 12 Best of Show 4-H exhibits made by more than 3,000 West Virginia 4-H’ers were showcased.
Alex Adams was awarded the Best of Show ribbon for his “West Virginia Studies Year 1” project featuring a quilt of West Virginia facts and history.
Boner was awarded the Best of Show Ribbon for his “Small Engine Year 3” project featuring a unique display of small engine parts and their purpose.