By Anna Cupp
It is beginning to look like everyone can put the shovel away, get the gardens ready to go and all the lawn mower blades ready to go to work after a long cold winter. The robins sure have been coming in very fast and the little hummers will be arriving soon. Always glad to see the hummingbirds arrive.
Those spending time at their camps recently have been Mike and Sandra Crum and son, and Steve Smith and friend of Stuarts Draft, Virginia.
Rick White and Jennifer of Sugar Grove recently spent a week on a beach in Georgia. They did some sightseeing but were glad to be back home.
Jeff and Melissa Arbogast spent the weekend here recently. While here, they attended the Highland Maple Festival in Monterey, Virginia.
Donnie Simmons of Franklin spent an evening with Harold and Anna Cupp, eating pizza from Fox’s. Carolyn was missed.
Shelly Sheldrick and son from New Jersey spent time here at his place. They, along with Rick White, did some work on the place. Carol had to stay home to work, but was missed. Shelly stopped at the Wood Grill and brought the writer some chicken livers. Even though the livers were hauled in the back of the truck they were still very good.
Michael Lambert of Rising Sun, Maryland, spent the weekend at his camp.
Wesley Cupp spent the weekend with his Grandad and Grandma Cupp helping them do things around the house. Other visitors have been Rick White, Rodger Coleman and Judy Coleman.