By Natasha Wilson
Last Thursday, small businesses from around the county, as well as excited individuals from outside the area, gathered to support each other at the Pendleton County Economic Development Authority – Year in Review.
Laura Brown, Executive Director of the EDA, called the meeting to order and then turned the floor over to Dayne Davis, Pendleton Community Bank business development officer, to award $5,250 in grants to six small businesses on the county.
The award was split among Mouth of Seneca Pottery, Raymond’s Gymnastics, Mountain Cajun Getaway, Country Roads Collision, Pendleton County Farmer’s Market, and Mountain Springs Motel and Apartments.
Following the distribution of awards, Brown updated the group on the many wonderful things the EDA was able to accomplish during the year, not the least of which being the unveiling of the county’s new marketing campaign “Life Is Better On The Rocks,” and listed several projects that the EDA will be working on in 2023.
On behalf of the Pendleton County Commission, Gene McConnell relayed a message of thanks to all the businesses in attendance.
Luke Taylor-Ide, Future Generations, talked about the future of agrotourism in the state and the expansion of Maple Days to increase tourism dollars in the area.
Rick Gillespie, emergency services coordinator, updated the group on the award of several grants that will be aiding in bringing Broadband Internet to the area. He also encouraged everyone to check their address against the most recent FCC Broadband Map that they have released online. Many discrepancies have been found, and as such people are encouraged to look up their locations and challenge any issues in accuracy.
The meeting concluded with business year end updates and many thank you messages from Mountain Springs Motel and Apartments, Warner’s Drive-In and Cultural Center, Dean’s Gap Farm, Pendleton Chamber of Commerce, Pendleton County Farmer’s Market, Pendleton County Schools, Pendleton County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Experience Learning, Pendleton Community Care, WVU Extension Office, The American Alpine Club, Mountain Cajun Getaway, Germany Valley Overlook Cabins, Dry Run Distillery and Valkyrie Farms Coffee.