School will be opening for students on Aug.16, and motorists are cautioned to be on the alert for students walking and waiting for buses along the highways of the county. Motorists are also cautioned to be especially alert for buses that are stopped on the highway for the purpose of loading or unloading students. It is a violation of state law to pass a school bus in either direction when the bus has its red lights flashing.
The safety of Pendleton County’s children is in the capable hands of the bus drivers. Distractions caused by students who do not follow the rules threaten the health and safety of others. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children about the importance of good bus riding behavior. The driver needs to focus on what is going on outside of the bus.
Bus Drivers will be making practice runs on Aug. 15. A description of bus routes for Pendleton County for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:
- Jon Swecker (#7720): Upper North Fork Road and Snowy Mountain to Cherry Grove, to North Fork Elementary School, from NFES to Judy Gap salt shed to receive middle/high students and then to Pendleton County Middle/High School.
- Melina Parsons (#8615): County line to Sweedlin Valley, to Oak Flat, to Brandywine Elementary School, then on to PCM/HS and Franklin Elementary School.
- TBD (#7723): Deer Run area beginning on Troublesome Valley Road at Rt. 33, ending on Kiser Gap Road and continuing on Rt. 33 to Franklin schools. Route includes Day Care stop at Pine St. in Franklin.
- Kathy Eye (#6520): Beginning pickups in Crummett Run area to Rt. 21, then south to county line, turning around going north on Rt. 21 to Brushy Fork and on to BES, then to PCM/HS and FES, if needed.
- David Traub (#7825): Begin at county line on South Mill Creek Road, continue through Brushy Run Road to north end of Jake Hill to meet contract drivers on south end of Jake Hill Road and continue to Franklin schools.
- Lisa Raines (#5310): Smith Mountain Road to Rt. 28, then south on Rt. 28 to the 4U Restaurant, left onto Rt. 9 going on to the Harper Gap Road and the Harman Hills Road to Roots Run, to Rt. 33, meeting other bus and contract drivers at Judy Gap salt shed, and on to NFES.
- Lynn Warner (#7724): Beginning in Miller’s Run to Broad Run, continuing to Brandywine Lake, to BES and then to PCM/HS and FES, if needed.
- Randal Smith (#6515): Route beginning on Pretty Ridge area, making pickups along the way through Reeds Creek to Rt. 33, then going east on Rt. 33 through Friends Run, including Buffalo Hill area and on to the Franklin schools.
- Kevin Gonshor (#7725): Route beginning at Grant County line on Rt. 220 south on to Franklin schools.
- Bobby Keesecker (#6521): Beginning at Ridge Road on Rt. 220 and continuing on Ridge Road to Kline to meet contract driver, then Schmucker Road, and Corner Road to Rt. 220 to Ruddle, turning around at north end of Buffalo Hills Road and on to Franklin schools.
- Jill Warner (#5324): Beginning on Hunting Ground area, to Teter Gap area, to NFES, then to Upper Timber Ridge, if needed, and returning to NFES.
- Calvin Bailey (#5322): Beginning at the north end of Sandy Ridge Road, if needed, and continuing through the north end of Thorn Creek Road to Sinnett’s Lane, if needed. From Sinnett’s Lane, proceeding to the south end of Dry Run Road, to Smith Creek Gap Road to Warner’s poultry farm, turning around and proceeding on Smith Creek Rd. to FES and PCM/HS.
- Charlotte Hoover (#5424): Beginning at Moyers Store, to Crummett Run Road, to Ken Nelson’s poultry houses, turning around and proceeding south to the state line. From the state line continuing to Black Thorn, Moatstown Road, down Sandy Ridge Road to Thorn Spring, to Rt. 220 North, to Walnut St., up Smith Creek Road, to the end of Entry Mountain Rd. and on to FES and PCM/HS.
- Wes Fleisher (#7714): Beginning pickups at Bobbie Armstrong’s in Crummett Run area, then to Big and Little Stoney Run area, and making pickups along the way to BES, then to the PCM/HS.
- Steve Lambert (#7709): Beginning on Big Mountain, returning to Rt. 28, to Elk Mountain. From Elk Mountain, proceeding north to Cherry Grove and on to NFES.
- Dianna Redman (#5417): Beginning at Bennett Gap and across to the northern end of Timber Ridge to the Onego salt shed to meet contract driver. From the salt shed, continuing on Rt. 33 West, making all pick-ups, to Seneca Junction. At the junction proceeding south on Rt. 33/28, making all pick-ups to Riverton Community Building, where exchange of students is made with Sam Harper (#5317). From Riverton, picking up elementary students on Rt. 33/28 to NFES.
- Sam Harper (#5317): Beginning in Lower Timber Ridge, near Kisamore stop and going south to Simoda area, if needed. Then going to Rt. 33 at the Gateway Restaurant, proceeding to the Riverton area, including Riverton Loop for pickup, making student exchanges with Dianna Redman (#5417) at the Riverton Community Building. From Riverton, proceed onto Rt. 33, picking up middle/ high school students, to Judy Gap salt shed for possible exchanges and then on to PCM/HS.
- Andy Moyers (#7823): Beginning on Snowy Mountain Road to Rt. 220 South to state line. From the state line, turning around, going north on Rt. 220 to Propst Gap, to James Simmons’s residence, turning around and continuing to Painter’s Point area and then on to FES and PCM/HS.
- Contract driver will bring students from Smoke Hole to Jake Hill Road to meet Bus #7825.
- Contract driver will bring students from Cave Mountain to Jake Hill Road to meet Bus #7825.
- Contract driver will bring students from Greenawalt Gap to Kline Road to meet Bus #6521.
- Contract driver – Bland Hills to meet Bus #5310 and #5417 or #7720 at Judy Gap salt shed.
- Contract driver – Base of Allegheny Mountain to Onego salt shed to meet Bus #5417.