Members of the Sugar Grove Lions Club met at the South Fork Rescue Squad building Jan. 25 for their monthly meeting. During the meeting, Brandon Mitchell, club president, was presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship award.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship is named for Melvin Jones, the founder for Lions Club International. It is through this program that humanitarian needs are met in communities around the world. Fellowship contributions help to bring medication to prevent river blindness to people, restore the sight to individuals, and provide Lions Quest to youth. Mitchell takes great pride in knowing that he will be having an impact with so many lives, both in his community, as well as across the globe.
He plays an integral part in his community. Mentioned in the application for this award were many ways he has energized the community. He was on the steering committee for the ball field and playground in Sugar Grove which benefits the youth. He enjoys coaching for both his daughter’s and son’s basketball and coach pitch teams. The tractor parade has delighted many folks who attend the annual rescue squad’s lawn party. Organizing the bi-annual chicken barbecue fundraisers, as well as the annual Treasure Mountain Festival stand keeps him very busy. He is involved with his church and its activities, as well as his farm work which he enjoys after a day’s work as a dentist in Franklin. He is also vice president of Pendleton County Farm Bureau.
Mitchell rightfully deserved the Melvin Jones Fellowship award, as he definitely has an impact in his community.
His children, Macie, Carson, and Carly, were in attendance while his wife, Cara, pinned the Melvin Jones Fellowship lapel pin. Jeff Bowers, the club’s LCI coordinator, presented him with the plaque.
Mitchell’s father, Tom Mitchell, had received the Melvin Jones Fellowship in 2013.