“It’s what our hearts told us to do. It happened to us in 1985,” said Bobbi Warner of Bill Warner and Son Towing and Recovery, based in Seneca Rocks.
The memories and the impact of a natural disaster, such as those caused by Hurricane Juan in 1985 and Helene almost four decades later, cast long shadows. Those who live through it never forget and also understand the needs of those who live through similar circumstances.
On Oct. 2, Bill and Bobbi Warner took to Facebook to give a call for supplies to help those hit hardest by flooding in western North Carolina and east Tennessee. The post included a long list of the basics that people would need to clean their homes and take care of their families, especially children.
Logistics is the hidden part of disaster relief. Generous people will always give, but getting supplies to people who need them remains the biggest challenge. Bobbi Warner shared that they decided “if we do the trucking, it will do a lot.”
The donations came at a rapid pace. They included food, cleaners, gas cans, oil for a variety of needs, diapers, hygiene products, and much more.
As often happens, those who have the least often found a way to give the most, relative to their circumstances. “We met some people,” She explained, “who hardly have anything, who struggle themselves, who donated.”
“Within two or three days,” as Bill Warner stated, “the tractor trailer was fully loaded and ready to roll.” After the first load left, the family made plans to stock and send another one. He said that they were invited to bring one of their trucks to a show in Lexington, Kentucky. They knew that they could get another large load from the generous trucking community and their supporters.
“I don’t think you can take enough stuff to them,” said Bill Warner.
The Warners are working with a non profit Christian charity called Hearts With Hands, part of Greg Lentz Ministries. As part of disaster relief efforts, they provide “Box of Hope” boxes with materials needed by households hit by natural disasters.
This ensures that “it’s going to the right places,” said Bill Warner
The family stated that they wanted to thank all who came through and made donations. They want also to express appreciation to their family, friends, and everyone who works for Bill Warner Towing and Recovery, all of whom pitched in to help with every aspect of making this mission of mercy from Seneca Rocks a success.