Sugar Grove
By Paula Mitchell
There was a time when folks in this community used idioms, word usage, sayings, and slang that stirred an interest to document and record them. Some of the usage is as follows:
A bone to pick — a problem to discuss with someone
I swan — an expression equivalent to “I swear”
Ain’t never seen the beat — used when frustrated or surprised
Onery — lazy
Ought’nta — should not have
Shine — moonshine
Stool — toilet
Summers — somewhere
Youbetcha — you better
Meer — come here
Mon — come on
Lickety-split — to do something very fast.
Hootnanny — a social gathering that often includes moonshine
Holler — to get eye contact with someone; a mountain valley
Buggy — grocery cart
Fixin’ to — getting ready or preparing to carry out a plan
Goosey — a person who jumps when poked in the stomach or ribs
Extry — extra
Souse — pon haus
Summers — somewhere
Sad to say, these expressions are hardly in use today. Just once in a while, one will run across someone who still uses some of these expressions. Perhaps some of the readers still do.
Life’s daily lessons include the following:
- Enjoy the smell of fresh baked bread.
- Hold a baby kitten.
- Daydream.
- Count a baby’s toes.
- Take time to enjoy the splash of colors in the sky at sunset.
Mornings have been quite chilly. But then, it is just the beginning of spring. No doubt there will be more winter blasts along the way.
This week’s quotes are as follows:
“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart; I’ll stay there forever.” — A.A. Milne
“In every curving beach, in every grain of salt there is the story of the earth.” — Rachel Carson
“Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.” — Kermit the Frog
The remainder of the April birthdays are as follows: Dakota Grogg and Brody Wimer, 16th; Brenda Propst, 17th; Anna Mauzy, 18th; Paul Cunningham, 19th; Mike Propst and Shelby Morrison, 20th; Evelyn Varner, 22nd; Ronald Pitsenbarger, 24th; Jackie Koontz, 27th; Myrtle Hoover, Marcus Smith and Carl Simmons, 29th; and Jim Rexrode and Justin Simmons, 30th.
Out on the porch swing is a great place to hear the “Talk of the Grove.”
Linda Rexrode of Sweet Dreams of Cakes and Things sold approximately 600 dozen donuts from February through March. That’s a lot of donuts!
Alvin, Shirley and David Pratt spent Easter with Charles and Pidge Anderson. They had a grand time.
Ed Rader of Davis was a Friday visitor in the home of Willard and Judy Rader. Willard and Judy Rader enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner Sunday in the home of Benny and Linda Custer. They also celebrated Judy and Kevin’s birthday.
Helen and Rhonda Nash celebrated Christmas in April with granddaughter/niece, Holly Lowery, and children, Kinsley and Levi of Mineral, Virginia, during a recent visit which also included a trip to the Green Valley Book Fair. Helen and Rhonda also enjoyed the blessing of friends, Diane Healey, Daniel Wheeler and Norman Wilfong, for Easter Sunday luncheon at Nashland.
Sunday dinner guests of Charles and Susan Kiser of Harrisonburg, Virginia, were Bob and Brenda Fisher and their grandsons, Logan and Michael Fisher.
Phil Downs was a Sunday visitor of K.D. Puffenbarger where he enjoyed Easter dinner with K.D. and his family. Jeffrey and Sally Smith of Harrisonburg, Virginia, stopped in that same afternoon.
Easter dinner at the home of Evelyn Varner was enjoyed by Eugene and Cindy Varner, Randy, Jessica, Nathaniel, and Geneva, Joyce and Richard Marshall, Judy Costello, Janet Varner, Terry Harper, Kitty Purcell and D.J.
Visitors of Rosalee Grogg were Marleta and Junior Wimer, Terri and Claude and Hendrix Bogan.
Clickety-clacks for the chin waggers are as follows:
More than 7 million tulips bloom in the Netherlands.
Butterflies hatch in March and April.
The North Pole has six months of uninterrupted daylight when spring arrives.
The condition that is marked by an excessive fondness of flowers is known as Anthophile.
In Roman mythology the goddess of spring is known as Flora.
Concerns for this week are many. They are as follows: Charles Anderson, Roger and Joan Ashley, Mercedes Aumann, Vernon “Fuzzy” Baldwin, Nathan Beachler, Lynn Beatty, Debbie Beeal, Jed Conrad, Jeff Craig, the John Doores family, Grayson Andrew Eye, Jordan Eye, Mary Eye, Mia Felici, Donna Fleisher, Ron Gilkerson, Lola Graham, Jordan Greathouse, Marvin Hartman, Steve and Armanda Heavner, Gary and Jackie Hills, Virgil Homan, Jr., Myrtle Hoover, Debbie Horst, Anna Gae Hughes, Alice Johnson, Richard Judy, Dennis Kincaid, Kim Kline, Melissa Lambert, Robert Lambert, Rex Landis, Angela Lung, Linda Malcolm, Betty Mallow, Roger and Skip Mallow, Neil McLaughlin, Gary Mitchell, Melvin Moats, Aaron Nelson, Ruth Nelson, Don Nilsen, Cheryl Paine, Sutton Parrack, Shirley Pratt, Alda Propst, Kara Propst, Kathy Propst, Linda Propst, Sheldon Propst, K.D. Puffenbarger, Dick Rexrode, Gary Rexrode, Harley Propst, Jason Rexrode, Jimmy Rexrode, Robbie Sites, Ona Smith, Sandra Vandevander, Pam Rexrode, Max Rodriguez, Donna Ruddle, Annie Simmons, Barry and Phyllis Simmons, Davey Simmons, Amy Vaus, Judy Williams, the Crystal Willis family, Margaret Wimer, people in Ukraine and Yemen and earthquake victims in Turkey.