The Slusher Scramble was held Sept. 18 to conclude the Treasure Mountain Festival. The event was a large success with 23 teams participating at the Highlands Golf Club in Franklin.
The winners were West Virginia based Team Limitations WV players consisting of Keith, Chase, and Colton Shackleford. Second place was Team Thompson, another locally sponsored team, led by Johnny Thompson. Third place went to Team Kennel from Harrisonburg, Virginia.
The money raised from this tournament goes to the Leo Slusher Award, which provides an annual scholarship for a Pendleton County High School senior that demonstrates community service, an athletic interest or sport, and has respectable grades.
Leo Slusher was a long-time presence in the community, providing leadership in the PCHS Sports Boosters, the Lions Club, the Ruritans, the local Loyal Order of the Moose, the Pendleton County Relay for Life and the Treasure Mountain Festival committee. He was well known for his hotdogs at all the high school sports events, summer sports leagues and Relay for Life.