The National Honor Society is an elite organization that recognizes students who have met high academic standards, as well as service to their school and/or community.
On April 24, current members of the Pendleton County High School John M. Dice Chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 33 new sophomores and juniors into the organization.
Newly inducted members were juniors Kaylee Arbogast, Kaylee Callison, Kinley Hinkle, Baylie Kirby and Ally Vance and sophomores Elizabeth Alt, Sawyer Apple, Caleb Armentrout, Kinsley Armstrong, Baylee Beachler, Hannah Bennett, Leah Bennett, Madisen Brooks, Bradey Bowers, Cortlyn Hartman, Emma Hartman, Hannah Harvey, Lydia Heavner, Mckennda Hedrick, Aubree Keiter, Josiah Kimble, Paigelyn Long, Jacob Mitchell, Andrew Mowery, Titus Nulph, Addison Rexrode, Nicholas Rhodes, Laney Sites-Woods, Jenna Smith, Makayla Tingler, Avery Townsend, Shelba “James” Vincell and Zykijah Wright.
Riley Apple, chapter president, was emcee of the ceremony.
A candle lighting ceremony highlighted the four pillars of the National Honor Society – scholarship, service, leadership and character. To be a member of the National Honor Society, students must uphold the four pillars of the organization.
The scholarship candle was lit by Selena Hedrick. Students are required to obtain and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
The service candle was lit by Dillon Poling, treasurer. Service involves voluntary contributions made by a student and done without compensation. Each individual student is required to provide some hours of service within their communities in the county. Students have to acquire 15 hours of service to remain an active member in the local organization per school year.
The leadership candle was lit by Ryleigh Cook, secretary. Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others. Students are required to be an active participant in at least one other school related organization/extracurricular activity.
The character candle was lit by Maggie Connor, vice president. The student of good character is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability and shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others.
This year, chapter members provided service at the Treasurer Mountain Festival, held blood drives and food drives at the school and provided tutoring, in addition to their individual service.
Current members of the local chapter are Riley Apple, Cook, Selena Hedrick, Elizabeth Gonshor, Kamron Kirk, Clayton Kisamore, Braden McCoy, Alexandria Perry, Hannah Rexrode, Gage Sites-Woods, Lindsey Smith, Joclyne Souza, Kaleb Steinbrecher and Rowan Witt, all seniors, and Connor, Cameron Beachler, Claire Cooney, Allie Cooper, Gabby DePue, Natalie Evick, Katelyn Hedrick, Ashlyn Judy, Emily Medzius, Myra Mitchell, Poling, Kacie Simon, Dillon Smith, Dusty Smith and Megan Smith.
Chapter advisor is Derek Hinkle.
The induction ceremony ended with the National Honor Society Pledge – “I pledge to uphold…The high purposes of the National Honor Society To which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands; And will maintain and encourage The high standards Of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.”