The 2024 Roadsides in Bloom calendar is now available to order.
The free calendar, sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Adopt A Highway program, includes 12 pictures of West Virginia wildflowers growing naturally along state roadways. The pictures were chosen from dozens of entries submitted by photographers from West Virginia and surrounding states.
To order a calendar, complete the online order form, call 1-800-322-5530, or email de***** If a person calls and gets voicemail, please leave a message with one’s name and mailing address and one will be put on the order list. Requests are limited to one calendar per household. West Virginia residents receive priority.
Co-sponsored by the WVDEP and the state Division of Highways, the Adopt-A-Highway program is administered by the WVDEP’s Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan and improves the quality of the state’s environment by encouraging public involvement in the elimination of highway litter.
Since the program’s inception in 1988, state citizens have cleaned up close to 70,000 miles of state highways and roads during annual spring and fall Adopt-A-Highway events.
REAP, whose motto is “Keeping WV Clean and Green,” was created in 2005 and strives to clean up West Virginia and rid the state of litter. The program empowers citizens to take ownership of their communities by providing technical, financial, and resource assistance in cleanup and recycling efforts. More information is available on the REAP webpage.