The National Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Day of Service is celebrated each year on or around Oct. 11. It is a day to honor the anniversary of DAR’s founding on Oct. 11, 1890. Chapters and individuals are encouraged to engage in meaningful service projects in their communities each year on or around this date.
At their monthly meeting on Oct.15, the South Branch Valley, NSDAR, 10 members and one prospective member brought donations of non-perishable food items, personal hygiene products, socks, and other requested items for active military personnel. As their National DAR Day of Service to America project, 10 boxes were packed to be mailed to military personnel who are currently deployed. There were many items left over after packing the boxes. These will be donated to a local food pantry and the Martinsburg VA Medical Center.
The South Branch Valley, NSDAR serves four counties, Hardy, Grant, Pendleton, and Hampshire.
One of the many committees the organization is actively involved in is the community classroom. This committee seeks out the needs of schools/students in the area of service. The project adopted this year is to provide a school in each county with requested supplies, rotating counties each year. Capon Bridge Middle School was contacted and requested personal hygiene products for its sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Three boxes were filled with donations from members of the chapter and delivered to the school by Judy Bowyer, regent.
The DAR is a volunteer service organization dedicated to the preservation of history, promoting patriotism and the education of our children. Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership. DAR volunteers are available and willing to assist with guidance in genealogy research for women interested in becoming a member.
For more information, visit the DAR website at, email inquiries to me********@da*.org, or contact Bonnie Myers, chapter registrar, at kh*****@ao*.com.