Elizabeth Gonshor, Lydia Heavner and Colton Roberson have been named outstanding students of the month for March at Pendleton County High/Middle School.
A senior, Gonshor is the James Huffman Responsible Student of the Month. She is the daughter of Kevin and Michelle Gonshor of Franklin. She is a member of National Honor Society and current president of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Chapter. She plans to attend West Liberty College in the fall to pursue a career in dental hygiene.
Heavner, a sophomore, is the March Academic Student of the Month. She is a member of FFA where she is the chapter reporter and is on the poultry judging, land judging and parliamentary procedure teams. She has earned the Star Greenhand honor and Greenhand and Chapter FFA degrees. During her freshman year, she placed second in the regional FFA creed competition. During the current school year, she was a member of the fourth-place poultry judging team in the state, along with earning first in extemporaneous speaking and in parliamentary procedure competition on the regional level. She is a member of FCCLA where she serves as chapter treasurer and has earned gold in STAR events. She is a member of the Upper Tract Producers 4-H Club where she is the president and has competed in poultry judging, livestock judging and the Beef Expo Stockman’s Contest. She is the secretary of the class of 2025 and a member of the PCHS Pep Club, Travel Club and National Honor Society. She placed second in the social studies fair. Her plans are to attend West Virginia University and further her education in an agricultural related field. She is the daughter of JD and Janice Heavner.
The Pendleton County Middle School Student of the Month is Colton Roberson. He is the son of Chris and Lisa Roberson of Franklin. He enjoys playing football, basketball and baseball. His future plans include attending WestPoint, playing football and enlisting in the Army.