The Upper Tract Producers 4-H Club members recently helped serve the West Virginia Extension winter farm dinner meeting. A delicious meal was prepared by the Pendleton County 4-H Leaders Association, and many energetic club members from the county helped serve the meal and clean up. It was an enjoyable and learning activity for all those that attended. Helping to serve the meal were, from left, Madalyn Griffin, Kallie Keyser, Gracie Hedrick, Katie Keyser and Jax Bennett; and back row: Lydia Heavner, Hannah Heavner, Phoebe Pownell, Sean Waggy, Addie Rexrode and Katie Heavner. Other 4-H members that attended and helped serve and clean up but not pictured were Cole Harper, Mason Harper, Vaylee Harper, and Tori Heavner. Submitted by Katie Keyser, club reporter.