Franklin High School classmates of 1954 and 1955 gathered July 27 for a combined reunion at the Walnut Street United Methodist Church social hall. Members of the class of 1954, pictured XXX, attending their 70th class reunion were, from left, front row, Cornelia Hartman Teter, Stanley Simmons and Helen Pennington Evick; and back row, William Ray Hartman, Betty Jean Warner Hoover, Ruth Keister Heal and Dale Sponaugle. Attending their 69th reunion were members of the class of 1955. Pictured, XXX, are from left, seated, Elsie Moats Barrow, Patty Judy Sponaugle, Loretta Sponaugle Homan, Jean Sites Hoss, Bernadine Kiser Raney and Patricia Wheaton Swecker; and standing, Phyllis Burgoyne Rhodes, Carroll Mitchell, James Skidmore, Charles Lambert, Bruce Hoover, Norman Wilfong and Orva Hammer Sponaugle.