FFA members put a significant amount of effort and determination into what they do while trying to develop their potential for premier leadership, career success and personal growth through agricultural education.
FFA members are encouraged to give it all until there is nothing left. They are to go all out as they live their lives, motivate themselves and put everything they have into everything they do. Members are to be determined, know no bounds and to take action.
Whether serving as a chapter officer or participating in community service, every FFA member strides to make a positive difference to those around them. Learning to live and living to serve is the legacy FFA members preserve.
Pendleton County FFA members shared their accomplishments with parents, guests and fellow FFA members at the organization’s annual banquet held Sunday at Pendleton County High School.
After McKenna Hedrick led the invocation, FFA members and guests enjoyed a wonderful meal provided by Deans Gap Farm.
Pendleton County FFA officers, Kaylee Callison, president, Lydia Heavner, vice president, Jenna Smith, secretary, Caleb Armentrout, treasurer, Gena Lambert, reporter, and Hedrick, sentinel, and Ron Hudson, FFA advisor, opened the meeting.
After a video presentation of the year’s highlights, special awards and presentations were made.
Honorary membership is bestowed upon individuals who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding services. Honorary chapter memberships were presented to Lucas Moreland and Tim Johnson.
Moreland has been involved in various clubs and organizations, 4-H, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Italian Exchange Program, National German Honor Society, and the Hampshire County FFA, during his high school years.
While in FFA, he competed in several contests including the FFA Creed, entomology, and poultry. He served the organization as chapter parliamentarian for two years, the West Virginia Northeastern Regional president and in 2020-21 as the Northeastern Regional State vice president. Chapter recognition included being the outstanding freshman, Star Greenhand Award, Star Chapter Farmer Award and many chapter proficiencies and was awarded the Golden Eagle Award. In 2021, he received his American FFA degree, the highest FFA degree.
He attended West Virginia University Potomac State College in Keyser and WVU in Morgantown. Recently, he was awarded first place for his research while at WVU and had the opportunity to present and represent the university at a national event in North Carolina.
He continues to serve WVU as a student ambassador and Hampshire County as an FFA alumni member and is a member of the Hampshire County Farm Bureau.
During the 2023-2024 School year, Mooreland has had the opportunity to work with Hudson and the students of Pendleton County as an agriculture education student teacher.
Johnson has supported the Pendleton County FFA Chapter – students, advisor, and families – for the past eight years. He attended WVU in Morgantown and received his bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees in physical education and health and a bachelor’s degree in anatomy and physiology.
His professional career started at WVU Physical Therapy. He then went to work at WVU Medicine Chestnut Ridge Center where he met his wife, Lori, who was employed there.
He and his family returned to Mineral County, where he was hired as the physical education and health teacher at Keyser High School. During this time, he earned his educational leadership master’s degree.
In 2016, he was hired as assistant principal at Pendleton County Middle/High School. He then was employed by Pendleton County Schools as the director of transportation and facilities. In 2022, he became principal of PCMHS.
Johnson will be retiring at the end of June. His wife’s plans for him include traveling to visiting their four children and seven grandchildren, as well as purchasing a new Harley in his wife’s favorite color – red.
FFA Greenhand Degrees were awarded to Alex Adams, Claire Adkins, Alyssa Bennett, Olivia Gonshor, Cole Harper, Ty Heavner, Summer Hull, Ella Johnston, Callie Judy, Cain Nulph, Jessica Parker, Vivian Pownell, Emily Shell, Hannah Shell, Colby Simmons, Trace Lambert, Gabriella Trail, Charles Wehrle and Brody Wimer.
Ty Heavner was presented with the FFA Star Greenhand Award. He participated in tractor driving, the FFA Creed contest, selling fruit, riding in the parade, and the bow shoot. His SAEs include working for Brushy Mountain Tree Farm, showing goats and sheep at various fairs and shows, and raising and selling sheep. He is the son of Travis and Teresa Heavner of Franklin.
Recipients of the Chapter FFA Degree were Madison Arbaugh, Barrett Cook, Logan Fisher, Cashton Kisamore, Gena Lambert and Jameigh Miller.
Awarded to a FFA member who excels in the field of agriculture, the FFA Star Chapter Farmer Production award went to Miller. She has two different SAE programs, ham bacon hog and Tri-County Fair lamb. She has earned almost $2,000 throughout her SAEs. She has participated in FFA activities such as tailgates, the Treasure Mountain Festival parade, the annual Christmas party, the Ham and Bacon Sale, and FFA Week activities. She is the daughter of Rebecca and Dan Miller of Ruddle.
The FFA Star Chapter Agribusiness Placement Award, which is given to an individual who excels in the field of agricultural business, was presented to Gena Lambert. She works at Country Blessing Farm and has gained 205 hours of experience by working with horses, gardening, and farm work. The FFA activities she has participated in are the Treasure Mountain Festival parade, annual Christmas party, parliamentary procedure, and Food for America. She is the daughter of Kathy Warner of Circleville.
FFA members eligible to receive their State FFA degrees are Armentrout, Callison, Lydia Heavner, Hedrick, Bailee Kiger, Smith, Makayla Tingler and Lucas Vandevander.
The Farm Credit Award, which is presented to an FFA member who maintains outstanding records, was earned by Callison. The award was presented by Trey Keyser.
- D. Heavner presented the annual Brandon Waggy Memorial Scholarship to Callison.
Ten FFA members participated in the annual South Branch Ham, Bacon and Egg Show and Sale. Members participating in the show/sale were Armentrout, Callison, Lydia Heavner, Hedrick, Kiger, Miller, Pownell, Tingler, Smith and Vandevander.
The Smith Golden Orange Award was presented to Lydia Heavner, who sold more than 116 units of fruit.
Earning first place in the FFA Creed Speaking Career Development Event were Ty Heavner (freshman creed) and Ella Johnston (upper classman creed). The event is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to deliver the National FFA Creed from memory and respond to three questions.
The Poultry Evaluation CDE tests students’ skills in the production, processing, and marketing of chickens, turkeys, processed poultry products, and eggs. This year’s participants were Armentrout, Callison, Lydia Heavner, and Vandevander. Armentrout placed first in the state with the team placing fifth in the state.
Chapter leadership awards were presented to Harper, Ty Heavner and Parker, ninth grade, Arbaugh, Lambert and Miller, 10th grade, Armentrout, Lydia Heavner and Hedrick, 11th grade, and Callison, Kiger and Tanner Rodgers, 12th grade.
Community service awards were presented to Lydia Heavner (58 hours), Vandevander (54 hours) and Kiger (39 hours).
During National FFA Week, members traveled to the county schools where they talked about the importance of agriculture and handed out seeds to the younger children to plant. Coloring contest sheets were also given to preschool through third-grade students.
Winners of the annual coloring contest were awarded a medal at the banquet. Receiving this honor were pre-kindergarten – Alyssa Deavers, Brandywine Elementary School, Olivia Seymour, Franklin Elementary School and Ivy Huffman, North Fork Elementary School; kindergarten – Dylan Hensley, BES, Carlea Hedrick, FES, and Cambrie Ours, NFES; first grade – Cooper Wimer, BES, Lane Nesselrodt, FES, and Nathalie Caroll, NFES; second grade – Nakiyah Perez, BES, Mason Mowery, FES, and Vera Selmon, NFES; and third grade – Adalynn Brown, BES, Branson Purpell, FES, and Darek Greathouse, NFES.