Sugar Grove
By Paula Mitchell
Mankind has two hearts.
Everyone has the heart that beats 100,000 times a day, every day that one is alive. This is an astonishing fact.
The second heart is that one that makes a person human. It is the one that makes a person care. It is the one that gives a person courage, passion, and inspiration.
This heart guided Michaelangelo to carve the statue of David. It told the Medal of Honor winner to charge into enemy lines without thinking of his own life. This heart makes one love, laugh, to be happy or sad. It is the heart that makes a person who one is, all the same and all different.
This heart of one beats within everyone. It guides a person toward one’s passion. It is the driver that makes a person think higher, do better, feel stronger, and create with more feeling. Everyone has this heart.
The secret is to unlock it. The secret is to find that thing that a person is passionate about and make it one’s mission in life. This is what makes great athletes, great doctors and dentists, great teachers, great bus drivers, great nurses, great next door neighbors, great mechanics and great people.
Everyone has two hearts…one that beats and one that feels….one that makes everyone different and the same.
A Happy Valentine’s Day to all the writer’s readers.
Life’s little instructions to make daily living much better include the following:
- Treat everyone a person meets like one wants to be treated.
- Send lots of Valentine’s cards.
- Remember other people’s birthdays.
- Become the most positive and enthusiastic person one knows.
- Never waste an opportunity to tell someone one loves them.
Sunday morning temperatures were 19 degrees, with the forecast for next week as being colder than the last week.
Valentine quotes are as follows:
“And if the stars should ever die, we’ll make our own light, you and I.” — John Mark Green
“I don’t go by the rule book…I lead from the heart, not the head.” — Princess Diana
“Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round.’ Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” — Franklin P. Jones
“I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” — Elton John
“Love is the whole thing. We are only the pieces.” — Rumi
Sitting by the fireplace is where one should be to hear the “Talk of the Grove.”
Missy Harrison, Charlotte Hoover, and Kathy Nelson have been reporting busloads of robins arriving on the Thorn. Surely their feathers will be needed this coming week.
The white snow drops have been sighted at the late Gertrude and Hugh Mitchell homeplace. Daffodil stems are about 4 inches above ground. According to the old groundhog, spring is around the corner! Everyone shall see.
Coming home to celebrate Tom Mitchell’s birthday this past weekend were his family, Jennifer, Tim, and Allison Hoover of Bridgewater, Virginia, Damien Morris of Dayton, Virginia, Janelle Mitchell, Destiny Redman, and Jace Sroka of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Brandon, Cara, Macie, Carson, and Carly Mitchell.
Willard and Judy Rader enjoyed a visit with Benny and Linda Custer and celebrated Linda’s birthday at the Gateway Restaurant on Saturday.
Evelyn Varner paid a visit to Bridgewater, Virginia, last Tuesday, to visit her brother, Donnie, and Judy Smith. Her daughter, Judy Costello, of Verona, Virginia, spent the weekend with her. Sunday visitors were Joyce Marshall, Ali Kesterson, and Tim Baldwin.
Marleta Wimer, Terri Grogg, and Claude Castleberry continue to see to the care of Rosalee Grogg.
Spending Saturday with Phil Downs were Sue Ellen Weasonforth and Susie Ruffner of Romney.
This week’s clickety-clacks for the chin waggers are as follows:
- Americans send 140 million Valentine’s Day cards each year.
- The conversation hearts got their start as medical lozenges
- In the 1300s Valentine’s Day officially became a holiday associated with love.
- The first valentine was sent in the 15th century.
- Nearly 250 million roses are grown for Valentine’s Day.
Concerns for this week are many. They are as follows: Bob Adamson, Rick Adkins, Charles and “Pidge” Anderson, the Bobby Joe Armstrong family, John Ashley, Roger and Joan Ashley, Mercedes Aumann, Lynn Beatty, “Bo” Boggs, Dewayne Borror, Jane Conrad, Marie Cole, Norma Propst Cunningham, Christian Dasher, Isaac Eye, Marie Eye, Mary Eye, Neal Eye, Loralee Gordon, Lola Graham, Jordan Greathouse, Patsy Green, Rosalee Grogg, Marlene Harman, Marvin Hartman, Steve and Armanda Heavner, Grace Hedrick, George Hevener, Jackie Hill, Edsel and Mary Ann Hogan, Virgil Homan, Jr., Adelbert Hoover, Myrtle Hoover, Debbie and Enos Horst, Mike Jamison, Jessica Janney, Alice Johnson, Richard Judy, Marsha Keller, Danny Kimble, Dennis Kincaid, Kim Kline, Tracie Knight, Rev. Angela Lambert’s father, Melissa Lambert, Robert Lambert, Ronnie Lambert, Rex Landis, the Pat Lang family, Roger and Skip Mallow, Yvonne Marsh, Anna Mauzy, Neil McLaughlin, Rose Miller, Bruce Minor, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Moats, Aaron Nelson, Ruth Nelson, Cheryl Paine, Wanda Pitsenbarger, Alda Propst, John O. Propst, Kathy Propst, Mike Propst, Sheldon Propst, Brandon Reel, Charles Rexrode, Jason Rexrode, Jarod “Jerry” Rexrode, Pam Rexrode, Dennis Riggleman, Donna Ruddle, Annie Simmons, Phyllis Simmons, Erin Simmons, Eva Simmons, Kent Simmons, Robbie Sites, Donnie Smith, Stanna Smith, Steve Stump, Rosa Tichenor, Sandra Vandevander, Evelyn Varner, Raymond Varner, Amy Vaus, Judy Williams and Margaret Wimer.