The Franklin Town Council convened in regular session on Aug. 8 in the town office.
Frank Wehrle, business manager, presented an update on the water project. Orders Construction has mobilized and is currently setting up at the water plant. The Hanover tank painting is substantially completed and back into service.
He also informed council that the requests for proposals for engineers for the sewer project have been received and the selection committee will meet Aug. 16.
Council members were informed that a Franklin resident expressed concern about the deer population in town. Wehrle explained that an urban hunt is possible if council wishes to proceed. The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources would need approval and it would have to be a bow hunt. Specific public areas would be designated and cordoned off and specific licensing would need to be completed, as well. Council took no action on the subject.
Elizabeth Scott, assistant business manager, reported that the Summer Fun Fest was a success, despite the rain. Plans are already being made for next year’s event.
Wehrle stated that the 2022 fiscal year audit is currently underway and things are going smoothly.
Keely Smith, council member, brought to council’s attention that the hydrant at the football field has leaked in the past when the field is being watered. The town maintenance crew will check the hydrant.
The patch of property behind the bowling alley and the old Dr. Sites building, which belongs to several property owners, was discussed. Scott volunteered to reach out to the owners to get permission for the town maintenance crew to clear the property. Jonie Nelson, town’s attorney, informed council that a letter formally giving the town permission to remove the trees would be necessary.