November 22, 2022
Dear Governor Justice:
You have received a letter from the director of the Pendleton County Senior Services that was written in response to a letter that I wrote to the InterMountain newspaper. I want to make it clear that I was not blaming anyone in Pendleton County for the closing of a Senior Center there. I am concerned about ALL of the senior programs in West Virginia, not just the one that closed in Pendleton County.
The financial problems could be solved if the Commissioner for Senior Services, Robert Roswall, would make an effort to increase the funding for the senior centers. Many of them are struggling to stay open due to the inadequate level of funding from the state of West Virginia. If Mr. Roswall cannot actively work with the government officials to increase the funding, he should be replaced. Due to the rising costs of food and almost everything the senior centers have to purchase, there is a critical need for increased funding. I have read that the state of West Virginia has a billion dollars in surplus. If that is true, why can’t some of this money be allocated to the Senior Centers during this difficult time?
I am glad to hear that you, Governor Justice, and your advisors are looking into ALL of the senior programs in this great state. We are hoping that you and your team will be successful. When I spoke with you and some of your advisors, everyone seemed to care about our seniors and our veterans. I am hoping and praying that a solution can be found to help all of our West Virginia seniors.
Tony Byrd
Green Bank, WV
cc: Commissioner Robert Roswall
Scott Gossard,
Director UPAAA
Ashley Anderson, UPAAA
Lynn Phillips
Pendleton County
Senator Bill Hamilton
The Pendleton Times
The InterMountain
Janice Lantz, Director,
Pendleton Co. Seniors