On Oct. 25, the 25th anniversary of the death of George H. Dice of Franklin, the athletic department at Pendleton County Middle/High School received a $2,500 donation in his memory. The gift was presented by his sister, Loretta Dice McMahan of King George, Virginia,
In a letter to Nicole Hevener, school principal, McMahan wrote the following:
“My brother, George H. Dice, was an avid fan and supporter of his alma mater, Franklin High School. His particular passion was sports, and he never missed a game. During this time, Greg and Gary Smith were the coaches and were particularly kind to George. At my brother’s death, the entire football team filed by at the funeral home to pay their respects. The following week, the cheerleaders made a banner and honored him at a football game.
On the 25th anniversary of George’s death, I would like to honor his memory with a $2500 donation to the Athletic Department to be used at their discretion. This money is not to replace any monies previously allocated to this department by the county. Instead, it is to be used for the little extras or expenses or ‘wants’ that would benefit the students. Sincerely, Loretta Dice McMahan”