A homecoming celebration kicked off a new year for Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The October meeting, held at the Forman Community Center in Grant County, was hosted by Mineral County members. Spirit week activities led up to the meeting, which provided an opportunity to recognize the chapter’s accomplishments and welcome back members who had been unable to participate recently.
Members wore red, a society color, and each received a handmade homecoming mum corsage. The meeting room, decorated in red and gold, featured a display board that highlighted chapter projects from the previous year. Newsletters, newspaper clippings, and the chapter scrapbook, all of which received top honors at the spring state convention, were available for review.
Judy Bowyer gave the blessing before the 21 attendees enjoyed a delicious brunch catered by Anita Nelson and Karen Ours. Jo Ann Harman led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vickie Saville gave inspirational thoughts entitled “Welcome Home, Sisters” that spoke of the joy of reunion and rekindling connections.
“Here’s Your New State President” was the program presented by Vickie Skavenski, chapter president and the new West Virginia state organization president. She reviewed goals for the 2023-2025 biennium, recapped her leadership plan, and promoted the next state conference which will be held April 5 – 6, 2024, at Canaan Valley Resort State Park.
Skavenski’s theme is “DKG Proud: Proud Women Educators, Proud West Virginians, Proud Appalachians.” She led members through a lively Appalachian IQ quiz, and everyone had a few laughs learning interesting facts about the region.
Peggy High and Karen Davis shared a beautiful memorial for Hampshire County member Louisa Hardy, who died in May 2023. Ruby Alvaro lovingly remembered honorary member Betty Coffman, who also passed in May.
Jo Ann Harman reported on the status of the tree donation in memory of deceased Mineral County member Annette Boggs. A sugar maple will be selected and planted by the West Virginia University Jackson’s Mill staff at the Annette S. Boggs STEAM Education Center.
Beverly Mathias, Janice Heavner and Bowyer were recognized as local leading ladies for their community volunteer work.
Skavenski awarded Saville the Recognizing Our Star Educator (Rose) Award for organizing the homecoming celebration and for all her contributions to both the local and state DKG chapters.
Mathias, chapter treasurer, reminded members that the “Make It, Bake It, Take It” project in November will be a fundraiser with proceeds remaining in the chapter treasury.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honorary society of women educators. Alpha Kappa Chapter is comprised of members from Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral and Pendleton counties.