By Dinah Courrier
Member from Mineral County
The Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International met March 4 at the Forman Center in Lahmansville. Following a catered breakfast by Betty Coffman with a blessing by Peggy High, the meeting was opened by Vickie Skavenski, president, with the theme “Together Moving Forward.” Carolyn Harper led the Pledge of Allegiance, and High and Karen Davis gave the meditation based on a prayer attributed to St. Patrick.
Skavenski recognized Local Leading Ladies recipients, Amber Champ, Pamela Boggs and Sharon Harr, for their contributions to their communities. Judy Bowyer was presented with the R.O.S.E. award given to a member who has increased the visibility of Delta Kappa Gamma in her area.
The chapter will donate a “Taste of West Virginia” basket for the silent auction at the upcoming state convention in Flatwoods. Vickie Saville was recognized for her logo design which will be on the front of t-shirts which attendees will wear. She was congratulated for designing the West Virginia ad which will represent the state in Detroit.
The members donated handbags which they filled with a variety of useful items for women in local shelters.
Joanne Gregory, state president, will attend the April meeting in Moorefield, and members were invited to join her for dinner the previous night.
Hampshire County members provided the St. Patrick’s Day table decorations and favors. Winners of a variety of seasonal items were Beth Barr, Ruby Alvaro, Boggs, Skavenski, Coffman, Susan Garrett, Ann Bennett, Cynthia Yokum, Peggy High, Yvonne Williams, Donna Bodkins and Joann Harman.
The April 1 meeting will be held at Moorefield Middle School.
Delta Kappa Gamma is an educational honorary whose mission is to promote professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Alpha Kappa chapter is comprised of educators from Pendleton, Hampshire, Hardy, Grant and Mineral counties.