By Betty Inskeep
Grant County Coordinator
Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on Oct. 22 at the Forman Community Center in Grant County. The room was festively decorated in fall colors with mum centerpieces and gourd favors with “The Gourd Prayer” attached.
Alpha Kappa is comprised of members from Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral and Pendleton counties. Betty Inskeep gave the blessing before the 25 attendees enjoyed a delicious brunch prepared by Betty Coffman.
Vickie Skavenski, president, called the meeting to order, and Ann Bennett led the Pledge of Allegiance. Grant County hostesses gave inspirational thoughts entitled “A Prayer for Autumn Days.” Ruby Alvaro shared a memorial tribute for Mineral County member Sharon Floyd who passed on June 21. Members learned of the death of Jo Ann Wilking, a former Hardy County member, on Sept. 11.
New members, Karen Davis, Beth Barr, Janice Heavner, Jessica Saville and Judy Bowyer, were introduced by their chapter mentors. They were inducted into the chapter in the spring.
Alvaro announced that Madison Hawk of Grant County was the recipient of Alpha Kappa’s book scholarship at Potomac State College. She is an education major and was selected by the college to receive this award.
The chapter voted to establish a similar book scholarship at Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College. Amber Champ will let the college know of this award along with criteria for recipients.
Journals were prepared for the nursing students enrolled in nursing programs at both EWVCTC and Potomac State College. Nearly 50 handmade dresses donated for the “Little Dresses for Africa” project were packaged for mailing.
The Recognizing Our Star Educator (ROSE) award was presented by Skavenski to Vickie Saville for all her contributions to both the local and state chapters of Delta Kappa Gamma.
The meeting adjourned with singing of the Delta Kappa song, led by Rosanne Glover.