Pendleton County,
West Virginia
Application for a
certificate of
convenience and
necessity to construct certain additions and improvements to its existing waterworks system.
On May 6, 2022, the Franklin Municipal Water Department (Franklin) filed a duly verified application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to construct certain additions and improvements to its existing waterworks system in Pendleton County, West Virginia.
Franklin proposes to construct the following additions and improvements to its waterworks system consisting of: (i) installation 1,200 linear feet of 1.5-inch, 2,000 linear feet of 2-inch, 1,100 linear feet of 4-inch, 850 linear feet of 6-inch, 350 linear feet of 8-inch, and 450 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE water line; (ii) installation of one 20 gallon-per-minute duplex hydropneumatics booster station (Smith Creek); (iii) refurbish and repaint the existing Hanover Water Storage Tank; (iv) installation of various improvements and upgrades to the Town’s water treatment plant; and (v) all appurtenances related thereto.
The application is on file with and available for public inspection at the Public Service Commission, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Franklin estimates that the project will cost approximately $3,472,318. Franklin proposes to fund the Project with a $1,000,000 grant from the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council, a $1,772,318 loan from the Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund (DWTRF) for a term of 40 years at 0.5% interest, and a $500,000 DWTRF grant.
Franklin does not seek a rate increase in connection with this project and will continue to charge its existing tariff rates for its customers, pursuant to its current water tariff on file with the Public Service Commission. Franklin’s current rates were enacted and became effective on October 13, 2020, in accordance with the Public Service Commission’s rules for municipal rate change.
Franklin does not have any resale customers.
Anyone desiring to protest or intervene in the Certificate proceeding should file a written protest or request to intervene within thirty (30) days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your right to protest aspects of this certificate case or participate in future proceedings. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or request to intervene. Requests to intervene must comply with the rules on intervention set forth in the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and requests to intervene should be addressed to Karen Buckley, Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323.
In the absence of substantial protest received within thirty (30) days of this publication, the Commission may waive formal hearing and grant the application based on Commission review of the evidence submitted with the application. 1c