By Stephen Smoot
One of the dominant and most important themes of the Christian Assistance Network’s annual meeting lay in the need for more support to serve their ever-expanding list of clients in need.
The meeting last week opened with an invocation by Carol Windett, C. A. N. vice president. She led the meeting in the absence of Pastor Debbie Beam, C. A. N. director. The meeting took place a week later than scheduled due to inclement weather.
During the meeting Shirley Shank, C. A. N. secretary, posed a question to board members and other officers. She asked if “we need to let the community know that we are serving more people.” The expanding list of clients in need has strained the resources of C. A. N. in the past year. While they met the needs of those who came for aid within the rules, they foresee needing more assistance in the coming year.
Windett shared that the biggest donor in 2024 was Walmart while the second biggest donation category was individuals giving what they could, when they could. Some brought materials almost weekly and others gave money.
Shank also added that compared to other counties in the region, “Pendleton County has the least number of places to get food.” Outside of C. A. N., some churches and organizations try to fill the need, including the Pendleton County Senior and Family Services who limits distribution by age and income.
C.A.N. does not ask for income information, but limits distribution in frequency and also to those living in the county.
Board members agreed that gathering information on others donating food and hygiene supplies would be helpful. Those who meet their monthly limit with C. A. N., but still have needs could be referred to other sources.
In other action, the Board confirmed that those who have served in offices in 2024 will remain in the same this year. Annick Ensley agreed to fill an open position on the board.
Shank also reported that “we are getting an overhead door.” Installation could take up to a week. Shank suggested that the center may have to close for a short time during installation, since crews and equipment would need access to the facility.
Board members and officers also discussed different internal protocols for later discussion. Next year’s meeting was tentatively scheduled for Jan. 15, 2026.