The Par Bogey n Jokes comedy show was brought to Pendleton County High School by former student, Terry Willis and associates. The show was held during Treasure Mountain Festival and was the first time a comedy show of this magnitude was showcased in Franklin.
Will and his wife, Denise, gifted the golf teams with $2,000 to benefit the golf program at Pendleton County Middle/High School. The donation, known as “Mo Blessing,” is in memory of their dear son, Monte Willis, who unfortunately passed away in March of 2023. To keep their son’s memory alive, the Willis family provides a “Mo Blessing” after every comedy show.
A $2,000 “Mo Blessing” donation was presented to the Pendleton County Middle/High School golf program. Pictured are, from left, Charlie Burgoyne (coach), Denise and Terry Willis, Mike Eye (coach) and Dylan Eye.