Thirteen Pendleton County 4-H members attended the 2022 Beef Expo at Jackson’s Mill on April 8 to participate in the stockman’s contest, which included judging breeding cattle, feeder calves, identifying cuts of beef, identifying different forage species and answering basic quality assurance questions. Many of these participants were first time attendees.
Participating in the day’s event were Marion Williams, Alannah Miller, Aiden Whetzel, Hannah Heavner, Kallie Keyser, Katie Keyser, Ross Pownell, Phoebe Pownell, Jameigh Miller, Katie Heavner, Ty Heavner, Tia Heavner, and Vivian Pownell.
Vivian Pownell participated in the senior contest as an individual, while three teams participated in the junior contest.
Pendleton Team #1, which consisted of Ty Heavner, Katie Heavner, Jameigh Miller, and Phoebe Pownell, placed second in the competition, with Katie Heavner placing in the top 10 with the 10th highest individual score. All four contestants on this team placed in the top 20 individuals out of 73 in the contest.
Pendleton Team #2 placed fifth in the state with team members consisting of Tia Heavner, Katie Keyser, Alanna Miller and Aiden Whetzel.
Placing ninth in the contest was Pendleton Team #3. Team members were Marion Williams, Hannah Heavner, Kallie Keyser and Ross Pownell.
Also included in the day’s events was a beef grilling contest, which required participants to grill a cut of beef and selected sides, prepare a place setting for the meal, and give a presentation about their set-up. Marion Williams and Ross Pownell participated in this event, being one of three teams to compete in the contest.