Fifteen Pendleton County 4-H members attended the 2023 West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association sheep and goat judging event June 3 at the Tri-County Fairgrounds in Petersburg.
During this event the youth judged four live animal classes, including market lambs, ram lambs, breeding ewes and breeding does. In addition to the live classes, there were four other identification classes: quality assurance, breeds, forages and equipment.
Participating in the day’s event were Hannah Heavner, Katie Heavner, Lydia Heavner, Tia Heavner, Tori Heavner, Ty Heavner, McKenna Hedrick, Bella Hoover, Kallie Keyser, Katie Keyser, Phoebe Pownell, Branson Smith, Aiden Whetzel, Colton Whetzel and Marion Williams.
Placing in the top 10 in the junior division were Katie Keyser (first), Pownell (fourth), Katie Heavner (fifth), Kallie Keyser (seventh), and Aiden Whetzel (eighth).
Placing in the top 10 in the senior division were Ty Heavner (first), and Lydia Heavner (seventh).
Over all, the team consisting of Katie Heavner, Tia Heavner, Katie Keyser and Pownell placed first in the junior contest. The team of Hannah Heavner, Tori Heavner, Kallie Keyser and Aiden Whetzel placed third.
The senior team of Lydia Heavner, Ty Heavner and McKenna Hedrick placed fourth in the senior contest.